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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

If dogs could speak!

'The leg might be broken, but I can still annoy the fluff of you!'

'Mum said all I have to do is give you puppy eyes and you'll feed me.
How'm I doin'...?'

'I don't get it. Where's the milk?!'

'Think you're good, huh? Just wait till I sneeze.'

'Therrrz no way that was juzzt milk! [hiccup]!'

'If the puppy eyes don't work, use more conventional methods.'


'Welllll, I'm a Gemini.....aaaaaannnd I like long walks on the beach. Aaaaannnd I, like, tennis balls.'

'I'm not....[yawn]...tired, ok? I'm...just..... a little...sllleeepy......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'

'Why are people so unkind?'

'BUT I DON'T WANNA GO...!!!! AAAAaaaaaahahhhahh'

' time for a power nap .'

'Ahhh! A mouse!! Quick...on the chair!'

'Rrrrr.... I'm a tiger. Rrrrrrr'

' Sorry hope you don't mind ....I was just a little thirsty.'

'Go on - tickle me. You know you wanna.'

'Hey, did you take my Old Spice??
No, seriously....'

'Why did I eat so many cookies. Why?!'


'He he he. I went through your bag, man, and I found this little bag of green stuff. So I totally ate it.'

'Sup, Shorty?!'

''re asking the wrong guy.''

'You'd think that looking like a panda I would get a bit more attention around here. Hello....? Hellooooo??'


'[sniff sniff]....why don't they want [sniff] to play with me??'



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