What is height of Fashion? - Dhoti with a zip
. What is height of Secrecy? - Offering blank visiting cards. :special10:
. What is height of Activelaziness? - Asking for a lift to house while on a morning walk. :special13:
. What is height of Laziness? - Adopting a child. :special8:
. What is height of Craziness? - Getting a blank paper Xeroxed. :special20:
. What is height of Forgetfulness?- Seeing the mirror and trying to recollect when you saw him / her last. :special1:
. What is height of Stupidity? - A man looking through a keyhole of a glass door. :special25:
. What is height of Honesty? - A pregnant woman taking one and a half ticket. :special2:
. What is height of Suicide? - A dwarf jumping from the footpath on the road.:special24:
*** Coca-Cola was originally green
*** The gestation period of an elephant is 22 months.
*** The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters.
*** In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car for most trips of less than 50 minutes
*** Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second
*** Every day 20 banks are robbed. The average take is $2,500
*** A 13-year-old boy in India produced winged beetles in his urine after hatching the eggs in his body
*** In New York City, approximately 1,600 people are bitten by other humans annually
*** The average four year-old child asks over four hundred questions a day
why doesn't it happens__________
You can become an engineer if u study in Engineering college .. U cannot become a president if u study in Presidency College.
* You can expect a BUS from a BUS stop... You cannot expect a FULL from FULL stop.
* A mechanical engineer can become a mechanic but a software engineer cannot become a software!
* You can find keys in Key board but you cannot find mother in mother board.